Meet Our Sponsors & Partners

Sponsors and partners give capacity and help us build for a new future.

This support fuels our efforts to rescue threatened properties and protect traditional landscapes, empower people through preservation education and training, and line up brick and mortar funds  to restore, stabilize, and document historic buildings. 

Our Sponsors

Our Partners

We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.

Partners in Historic Preservation

The Montana State Historic Preservation Office

The mission of the Montana State Historic Preservation Office is to work together with all Montanans to preserve our significant historic, archaeological and cultural places.  Created with the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966, State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) exist in each of the states. In Montana, the SHPO is established as one of five core programs of the Montana Historical Society. Its staff includes preservation specialists (historians, architectural historians, historic architects, and archaeologists) as well as administrative support personnel.  Through this link, visitors can also link to Montana’s 15 Certified Local Government programs to find out more about preservation planning at the local level.

The Foundation for Montana History

Established in 1985, the Montana History Foundation seeks to preserve the legacy of Montana’s past.  With an eye on the future, the Foundation’s central goal is to generate public support to save the rich cultural heritage and historic resources of Montana. Their approach offers donors the opportunity to connect with and support unique projects of special interest to them and historical importance to Montana. The Montana History Foundation gives supporters the chance to truly make a difference and in the process, become a part of history.

Montana Heritage Commission

The Montana Heritage Commission takes pride in managing some of the most valuable and fascinating historic sites in Montana–Virginia City, Nevada City and Reeder’s Alley.  When acquired by the state, most of Virginia City and Nevada City’s historic buildings and artifacts were at serious risk. The State of Montana acquired these historic resources to ensure their preservation into an indefinite future for educational and economic benefit. The Commission, together with partners such as the National Park Service and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, has already taken critical steps to ensure professional care of these historic resources and is now building on this foundation.

Technical Preservation Services

Heritage Preservation Services (HPS) helps our nation’s citizens and communities identify, evaluate, protect and preserve historic properties for future generations of Americans.  Users can quickly find information and guidance on many topics and areas of interest, such as Civil War battlefields, historic landscapes, Tribal Preservation, and historic building technology. For example, someone planning the rehabilitation of a historic building can learn about Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives, then consult the Preservation Briefs series for professional guidance on undertaking the work.

The National Council on Public History

The National Council on Public History works to advance the professionalism of public history and to advocate enhanced public and governmental support for historical programs. The NCPH includes museum professionals, government historians, historical consultants and employees in consulting, archivists, professors and students with public history interests, and many others.  The public need for the best historical information and analysis motivates every undertaking of the National Council on Public History. The Council believes that the study of the past provides a sound basis for making intelligent choices on how to resolve the problems of the present.

Researching the History of a House

This larger list of resources regarding the research of homes and private property is perfect for beginners and advanced researchers alike. Whether it is your hope to place your home on the National Register or just to learn more about where you hang your hat, there is information to match your mission!

National Trust for Historic Preservation

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities. Recipient of the National Humanities Medal, the Trust was founded in 1949 and provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources to protect the irreplaceable places that tell America’s story. Staff at the Washington, D.C., headquarters, six regional offices and 28 historic sites work with the Trust’s 270,000 members and thousands of preservation groups in all 50 states.

National Register of Historic Places

Established in 1985, the Montana History Foundation seeks to preserve the legacy of Montana’s past.  With an eye on the future, the Foundation’s central goal is to generate public support to save the rich cultural heritage and historic resources of Montana. Their approach offers donors the opportunity to connect with and support unique projects of special interest to them and historical importance to Montana. The Montana History Foundation gives supporters the chance to truly make a difference and in the process, become a part of history.Think your property is historic?  The National Register of Historic Places is the Nation’s official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation. Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources. Properties listed in the Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture.

Northern Plains Resource Council

Northern Plains Resource Council organizes Montana citizens to protect our water quality, family farms and ranches, and unique quality of life. We are a grassroots conservation and family agriculture group that gets the job done – protecting the Northern Plains and the people who make their home here.

American Prairie Foundation

The mission of American Prairie Foundation is to create and manage a prairie-based wildlife reserve that, when combined with public lands already devoted to wildlife, will protect a unique natural habitat, provide lasting economic benefits, and improve public access to and enjoyment of the prairie landscape.  APF hopes to acquire enough private land that, when combined with adjacent public lands already largely devoted to wildlife, will provide people with a unique experience much like that of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which traveled through the area in 1805. Numerous historical sites will be preserved for visitors’ enjoyment and education, including teepee rings, buffalo jumps, and homestead-era log structures.

PreserveNet at Cornell University

PreserveNet is designed to provide preservationists with a comprehensive database of regularly updated internet resources and current professional opportunities.  Established in 1994 by Cornell University’s Michael Tomlan and Bob Pick, PreserveNet is the result of a collaborative effort by preservation students of various universities interested in providing preservation information in what was then a new and exciting arena, the internet. 

Headwaters News: Reporting on the Rockies

Stay informed by subscribing to this free news service, delivered to your email address everyday!  Headwaters News, provides a daily snapshot of economic, community, political and environmental news in the Rocky Mountain region.

National Register of Historic Places Guide to Building Research

The purpose of this bulletin is to introduce the beginner to some basic sources and techniques for the collection of data for nominating a historic property to the National Register of Historic Places.  While the National Register lists buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects, this bulletin focuses on individual buildings. It may be applicable to other resource types-especially structures-and districts composed mainly of buildings. 

white Montana barn

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