New Grant Supports Fire Preparedness

Last August, the National Center for Preservation Training and Technology awarded $20,000 to PMT to develop new guidance on protecting historic resources from wildfires. In a world increasingly altered by climate change, the threats wildland fires now pose to communities and their cultural resources are growing. To fulfill the grant, Preserve Montana partnered with Ron Anthony (of Anthony & Associates) last year to write a wildfire disaster response guide. From preventive treatments to evacuation plans, this report aims to explore what is effective and how to safeguard historic places to the extent possible.Mr. Anthony, a renowned wood scientist, historic preservationist, and former wildland firefighter, is well acquainted with impacts of fires and hopes this guide will prevent further destruction of historic sites. In his words, “Establishing a plan to protect our resources and communicating that plan to fire-operations personnel cannot wait until the chaos during a fire.”
Saving The Baxendale
Schoolhouse Gets Second Life
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