Dear Friends
Fall has returned to Montana, and with this beautiful change in seasons we are reminded how fortunate we are to live in Montana with her timeless heritage, expansive wildness, and abiding neighborliness.
For 35 years, Preserve Montana has served as the only non-profit organization solely dedicated to safeguarding Montana’s rich cultural heritage, a legacy that extends far back in time, across centuries and millennia. Our work engages people from all walks of life, helping with on-the-ground, place-based preservation work to protect significant historic properties. Through this time, PMT has grown and the initiatives we championed are now achievements: preservation of cherished places in Virginia City and Glacier Park, recognition for barns, battlefields, and schoolhouses, grants for historic preservation, and restoration training for tradespeople young and old.
This year, a generation since our founding, we created the Orofino Fund, to establish a lasting source of support that will help to sustain our operations, support expanded staffing including the arrival of a new Executive Director in 2023, and ensure all the good work will continue. Your gift to the Orofino Fund will bolster our operations and advocacy, and smooth the path going forward as we expand and grow. You can also opt to support our Baxendale School campaign, to help complete the restoration of our favorite schoolhouse as the future workshop and training center for our ever-busy carpenters and restoration crews.
Your gift to either fund will provide a lasting source of support to our organization and ensure that our good work will continue across Big Sky Country, now and well into the future.
For 35 years, we have been honored to do this important work and to have you and so many others alongside us. Thank you for being with us on this journey.